Labels:bulletin board | daily | encyclical | fence | sky OCR: have become infnite and by the would eqwival lence 01 mass and energy iergy have taken an infinite amoun ofe ormal get it there. For this reason. any vity to object is forever confined by relati eed of move at speeds slower than the ST at have light. Only light. or other waves speed of no intrinsic mass, can move at the light. ence of An equally remarkable consegi nized ourrelativity is the way it has revoluti ideas of space and time. In Newto m one theory ifa pulse of light is sent would place to another, different ohserve took auree on the time that the journey always (since time is absolute) but will (since agree on how far the light traveled peed of space is not absolute). Since the equivalence amount remar kable consec revolut diffe obsery ioune ahsoltel traveler absolutel